Where You Are Empowered to Dance

All In Worship Values

Godā€™s Presence

We exercise reverence andĀ awareness of Godā€™s presence by inviting and giving permission to the Holy Spirit to have his way during the classes.


Intercession is a crucial part of our gatherings. We love to communicate with God using ourĀ movements with the help of the Holy Spirit.


We cultivate passionateĀ expressions of adoration to Jesus refusing to settle for a dull worship.


Our desire is to live a life worthy of the calling we have received as worshippers walking in purity of heart, eyes, thoughts and body.


We disciple participants to become empowered in their calling to express their worship, while increasing in the revelation of their identity as the Bride of Christ and a Child of God.


God created us to impact this generation with what we carry inside of us. We honour and cherish each other's uniqueness and differences while expressing their worship.


We seek to do our very best in everything that we do, because we work for the Lord Almighty and for His glory. As we grow, our best will improve and thatā€™s how we measure ourselves. We resist a performance-based mentality that strives for perfection and comparison, and instead we celebrate each other's growth and progress.